Xanadu - A BRP Chinese Fantasy

Kubilai's Map of the Cosmos

These notes are keyed to the calligraphic map in the British Museum and represent the museum's translation and explanation of the text on the map. Click on an area on the map to see a translation or description of it.

Calligraphic map of the universe

Calligraphic Astrological Map
Ink on parchment, circa 600BC, additions circa AD 1200
(on loan)
Peabody Collection, MS-1274

Shanghai is the City of One Million Flames: pottery kilns and iron foundries. A town built of wood burns to the ground in 1839.
Chogyal is the Temple. She who sits in the Temple dreams the universe and the words and deeds of men. Whether there is an aim to Her dreaming no man may know.
The Potala is the city perched on the face of the cliff in the most mountainous region on earth. The Great Khan Genghis is Master of the Land from Horizon to Horizon.
Gurbantunggut Shamo, the desert between the mountains, is hard as iron. No man may cross it safely on in peace of mind but he be assaulted.
Lake Baikhal is a holy place. the waters of the lake are a balm for the soul. Its moods and changeable and violent.
The Land of Forests is Korea. Its woods grow strong and true like its people who remain honest and loyal in the face of all adversity.
This map was presented to Temujin, the Great Khan known as Genghis, the Lord from Horizon to Horizon, by Lengsto Gyasto, the first to hold the title Great Ocean as both spiritual and temporal ruler of the Land of Snows called Thibet. On the seventh night after the inauguration, the Great Ocean and Temujin spoke privately for many hours on the rooftop of the Potala Palace under the stars. Temujin returned white and shaking from the secrets he learned although no man doubts the courage and steadfastness of the Great Khan. Temujin commands that this map be treasured by his descendants as it is the Key and the Gateway to all the secrets of all the worlds which even the gods tremble to know. He who steals this map or fails to protect it shall be made sacrifice at the Temple at the Centre of All.
She squats in a cave in mountainous Asia, guarded day and night by subhuman thralls Only vaguely manlike, who hold rites so foul that none dare describe them. Usually She remains immobile on his pedestal, a grotesque statue. Legends say that one day the "White Acolyte" will come to bear Her to a new land.

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