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Week 1: Intro and Fundamental Movements

History. Swords. Core texts.

Stance and footwork. No swords at this stage.

  • Basic stance in tierce.
  • Advance and retreat footwork
  • Distance exercise with arm extended, moving forward and back, one partner leading (ex.A). Aim is to maintain distance and follow your partner.

Stance with sword

  • How to hold the sword
  • Stance in tierce

Sword work (part 1) then a break.

  • Deploy the arm, lunge, recover stance, relax the arm.
  • Head cut on the lunge
  • Thrust on the lunge

Sword work (part 2).

  • Horizontal moulinets on the lunge, on both sides
  • Face cut to the right on the lunge
  • Face cut to the left on the lunge

Repeat earlier distance exercise (ex.A) but with swords crossed weak on weak.

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