Old Front Page
Weapon Systems
Rapier (sword alone)
Exploration and Interpretation
- Quarte over the Sword (2019-02-02)
- Cavalcabo's "Caver" (2019-03-09)
- The Engagement and Gaining (2019-04-06)
Explicit Instruction
- Basic Thrust Actions (2019-02-22) The theory side of things.
- Applied Thrust Actions Covers the “beat and enter,” “quarte over the arm,” and the “pass below”. These are core techniques.
- Vertical Caver (2019-04-14) Core technique.
- Feints and Tempo How to make the opponent do what you want.
Lessons and Exercises
You know, coming up with lessons and a way to teach this stuff is actually pretty hard.
- Basic Thrust Exercises (2019-02-22) The practical stuff.
- Subjection Exercises (2019-04-14)
- Exercises on the Rond (2019-04-14)
And here's the teaching plan for rapier as well as rapier and dagger.
Rapier (sword and dagger)
- Exploration and Interpretation
- Lessons
- Exploration and Interpretation
- Lessons