
Roll Up! Roll Up!

Date Played: 02 February 2002

Game Date: Tuesday, 06 March 2001

Charles is phoned by General Ordesky about helping a Aegis member running from the Black Book out of the country. He contacts O'Connor and waits for the call from Rachel Thompson, the agent on the run. Thompson leaves a message on the answering machine at the funeral home. But because Taylor is under her jeep with the music blaring, and so doesn't hear the phone.

Maria comes back from "shopping" and spots two men in a car across the street watching the funeral home. She and Taylor approach and the car drives off before they reach it. They get the answering machine message and call Charles who tells them to pick Thompson up.

Maria drives the taxi to the rendezvous followed by Taylor in the jeep. Thompson is waiting at a news stand. Maria calls out the password and as Thompson is walking over to get in the taxi, a guy in a business suit attempts to hijack her ride. Maria interposes herself between the man and the taxi, preventing him but allowing Thompson to get in. She drives off.

Taylor pulls up at the news stand to check if anyone is following Maria and Thompson. She overhears the suit speaking into a hidden microphone informing whoever is on the other end that Thompson has been picked up as expected.

Both O'Connor and Maria, unknown to the other, phone the Hilton and book rooms. Maria books a suite at 1018 and O'Connor books rooms 410 and 706. He gets to the Hilton and buys a bunch of clothes for Rachel. The Secret Service bank account suffered by around $12,000.

O'Connor meets Rachel and takes her up to room 706, where he orders he to strip so he can search her clothes. Charles waits in 410 while Maria goes up to 1018 for a spa. Taylor finds a tracking device in Rachel's shoes. O'Connor interrogates her. Her cell has been arrested for killing a judge who was about to favor Black Book in a trial. Three of the five members are in jail on remand, one has disappeared entirely and Rachel is being hunted down by both law enforcement officials and Black Book agents.

Charles rings Ordesky and asks him to explain. Ordesky informs him that this is happening all over the country. So far, Ordesky himself has lost contact with more than 60 operatives, presumed arrested. Aegis simply cannot mobilize its resources fast enough to cope with the sheer volume of simultaneous nation-wide arrests.

After the spa, Maria insinuates the tracking device in the luggage of a couple traveling back home to Utah.

The team agrees, after a lengthy discussion, to get Rachel to Canada using their helicopter at the estate. They get on the road.

On arrival, they discover the estate has been ransacked. All the cupboards, drawers and secret hidey-holes have been opened and their contents laid out neatly in front. The video security system shows seven balaclava-ed burglars emptying the cupboards and meticulously photographing everything, including the mass of stolen artwork and jewelry. They assume the same thing has been done to the funeral home and that the police are now looking for them.

Charles calls Ordesky again. Ordesky says he'd prefer them to lay low until Aegis can get on top of the situation. Charles says they'll hide in Canada and get in touch later.

O'Connor panics and calls home to check on his daughter. A man answers the phone and calmly states that she will be fine as long as O'Connor gives himself up to the police. He confirms that there is a All-Points Bulletin (APB) out on the characters.

O'Connor says he's going back for her. The other try to talk him out of it: one life is nothing against the needs of the many, and, if he is killed in a rescue bid Black Book will kill her anyway. O'Connor phone a very harassed Ordesky and demands that, if Aegis values this team, he must rescue O'Connor's daughter. The General agrees.

Rachel takes what she needs and plans to make her own way over the border.

O'Connor preps the helicopter while the others gather as much as they can carry to escape with. After what seems like an eternity, Ordesky calls O'Connor with the good news that his daughter has been rescued. They arrange for her to fly to Montreal, where O'Connor will pick her up.

The team flies low and fast to Canada.

During the journey, they listen to the news. All over the nation, members of a secret organization have been arrested for illegally misusing the powers and privileges of their positions in government, the military and intelligence services. The reporters have been told that this organization, about whom few details are known, is believed to be protecting a secret dating back to the end of the Second World War.

As the team crosses the border into Canada, a news flash announces that a bomb has exploded in Nakatomi Towers, Washington, DC. There are no other details at this point.

Unanswered Questions and Mysteries To Be Solved