
Research Review

Date Played: 05,12 January 2002

Game Date: Sunday 02 February 2001

Isaiah Daniels is walking back to his car after some shopping. A large man in a poorly fitting black suit follows him. Another waits for him at his car. The guy leaning on the car asks if Daniels is free to talk with someone. When he answers yes, a woman accompanied by another large man emerge from behind a pillar.

She says that Danials has something of hers and she wants it back. He says that he has no idea what she is talking about. She tries to read his mind but Daniels block her attempts. Misunderstanding his protests as a negotiation strategy, she offers him $10,000 for the item. Daniels sticks to his story of ignorance. She gives him four hours to call her on a number she gives him or she'll come for the item herself.

The card reads "Roswell Security Systems, Sales Consultant, Emma Coloris."

Daniels summons the team to the funeral home to discuss what to do. They have four hours until Coloris, a known Black Book agent, sends her goons against them. The obvious questions arise. Why Daniels? Has Aegis done anything lately that could bear on this matter? Of course, there was the big win for Aegis at Vickersberg but that was nearly two months ago.

Daniels attempts, with he help of his monitor, to remote view the object of Coloris' desire. The first sensation he has is of movement and a confined space, then some type of fabric, canvas. Finally, image start appearing. Daniels' spirit is in the back of a mail van looking at a thick manilla envelope addressed to him at the funeral home.

He tries to return to his body and fails to find the astral path back. Fearing spiritual dissolution, he possesses the body of the postal van driver. After narrowly avoiding crashing the van, he parks, grabs the envelope and a taxi back to the funeral home and his body. once back in his body, Charles tranquilizes the postal worker and bundles her into a taxi to take her home. No wonder US Mail workers go insane.

In the envelope is a bulky report and a note, which says "This should give you all the ammunition you need to expose this corrupt government's suppression of serious UFO research." It is signed by Chris Munchow of People Against UFO Secrecy (PAUFOS).

The report is on geophysical evidence of an ancient nuclear war in what is modern-day Pakistan at about the time the team reckons the Fibonacci sequence was introduced into human DNA. The physical evidence of residual radiation, and blast affected rocks, etc, is backed up by literary evidence from ancient Sanskrit texts, supposed by many scholars to be the oldest surviving literature in the world.

O'Connor and Almirez scope out abandoned buildings in which to ambush Coloris. They settle on a dilapidated warehouse on the docks. They begin to set up. Daniels phones Coloris and tells her that he's decided to co-operate and hand over the documents. He gives a time to meet and nominates the warehouse as the location. She agrees.

The team's aim is to capture Coloris for Aegis. Charles prepares tranquilizer darts. Taylor hides and waits for the sniper shot at Coloris with the dart gun. Almirez acts as spotter on the roof of the warehouse next door. Daniels and O'Connor wait inside for the meet. Charles hides in the ambulance hidden behind the warehouse, prepared to deal with the casualties.

Coloris arrives in two security sedans with seven Black Book goons. The first sedan parks just outside the warehouse. The other parks across the road. One Black Book agent gets out, walks just inside the warehouse, then turns back to the sedans and signals that he can see three people.

O'Connor's danger antennae go off. There is going to be violence. He bundles Daniels into his security sedan as three goons walk in. The middle one starts shooting up the place while the other two throw in grenades. The explosions and fragmentation hist Taylor as she fells one of the Black Book agents with her pistols. She crawls towards safety the safety of the ambulance.

As the remaining four Black Book agents climb out of the second car, O'Connor rams the first, running down one goon and knocking Coloris out with the impact. Then, he machine guns another down, protected by the amour of both vehicles. O'Connor uses automatic fire to make the bad guys keep their heads down as Almirez, from the roof next door, takes pot shots at the four remaining Black Book operatives, wounding them to varying degrees.

Charles crawls out of the ambulance to perform first aid on Taylor.

Coloris wakes, gets out of the smashed vehicle and runs for the remaining car to escape. The injured Black Book operatives pile in after her. O'Connor sees his chance, backs up and rams the second Black Book vehicle, damaging himself and Daniels quite severely and terribly wounding Coloris and the goons. O'Connor passes out as his psychic adrenaline surge wears off.

Almirez calls for Charles to help the injured Coloris. While working to safe the life of Emma Coloris, the Black Book agents slowly die of their injuries. He stabilizes Coloris but she needs urgent hospitalization. The rest of the team require medical attention as soon as possible as well.

The police arrive and start checking the bodies. Taylor and Almirez hide in the back of the team's ambulance.

The police call for as many ambulances as the nearest hospital, Mercy General, can muster. Charles spins a tale about O'Connor, a Secret Service agent being ambushed while trying to protect Daniels, his principal. Charles does not adequately explain his presence on the scene. But, in the shock of encountering this scene, the police do not at this stage question him too closely.

Satisfied for the present, the police allow Charles to go. Almirez drives the ambulance off in convoy with the other ambulances leaving the scene.

Unanswered Questions and Mysteries To Be Solved