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Vogue: Strike a Pose
By LEF member James
Rules: In pairs, one fencer takes the role of the Voguer, the other takes the role of the Striker. The Striker stands just outside of measure with their back to the Voguer. The Voguer stands in whatever stance or position they please, no matter how ridiculous it may be.
On the Voguer's call of “Ready,” the Striker spins to face the Voguer and strikes at whatever they see as the nearest or best opening on the Voguer then withdraws and recovers safely into guard. Only when the Striker's attack has landed, the Voguer will riposte directly to attempt to hit the Striker.
If playing for points, if the Striker recovers without being hit by the Voguer, the Strike wins one point. If the Voguer hits the Striker with a successful direct riposte, the Voguer wins one point.
Skills Tested: This game appears absolutely stupid but, in practice, quite effectively tests the ability to make a strike and withdraw into an on guard position which protects from any riposte the opponent may make.