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Forearm Cut Exercises
The forearm cut is a very situational action. The circumstances in which it works do not always occur and it is very difficult to force them to occur. My LEF's view, the forearm cut is an attack of opportunity. As such, it needs to careful drilling in order to under stand when it can be used. These exercises are pulled from the source text and explore different situations in which the three authors consider the forearm cut may be best used.
Training partners can pick and choose which of these action to use.
Source | Feeder | Learner |
Simple attacks / simple ripostes | ||
Rondelle | Head cut | Parry and Forearm cut riposte |
Rondelle | Low inside cut | Parry and Forearm cut riposte |
Rondelle | Thrust (either side) | Parry and Forearm cut riposte |
Rondelle | Cut to the thigh | Slip and Forearm cut |
Compound attacks / simple ripostes | ||
Rondelle | (Feint) High outside, strike to high inside | Parry and Forearm cut riposte |
Simple attck / compound riposte | ||
Rondelle | Thrust (either side) | Parry, (feint) Thrust then Forearm cut riposte |
Rondelle | High outside cut | Parry, (feint) High inside cut then Forearm cut riposte |
Compound attacks / compound ripostes | ||
Rondelle | (Feint) Low inside, strike to High inside | Parry, (feint) Thrust then Forearm cut riposte |