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Le Poulet Poignardé (Stabby Chicken)

Apologies to Sean Franklin and his Finnish Chicken game.

Rules: Both fencers start out of measure and approach each other along the line of direction. When either figures that one or other of them can make the touch, they can pick one of the two actions below. After the exchange, the fencers reset.

  • A direct or straight thrust in tierce or quarte,
  • A simple parry against this thrust in either tierce or quarte.

Success is defined for the attacking fencer by making a touch and for the parrying fencer as avoiding the touch. If both fencers attack, the fencer who was moving forward to touch succeeds as the stationary fencer is deemed to be only reacting rather than initiating an attack. Note that this is not sparring; it's a game with rules that relfect a teachable.

Skills Tested: Distance/measure, simple attacks, simple defences. Extensions test the recovery after making an attack.

Variations/Extensions: These rule changes mix things up to keep it interesting and increase the complexity of the game problem. These rule changes may be added individually or in sets.

  • No retreat: Designate one fencer as the attacker and one as the defender. The defender cannot step backwards, whether by a pass or a withdrawing step. Lateral movement is allowed.
  • Remise: If the attacker's thrust is parried, they may attempt an immediate second attack.
  • Riposte: On a successful parry – and only on a successful parry – the defending fencer may strike a riposte. This may be a cutting strike to the attacker's arm (if playing with beginners and/or low gear) or a thrust to any opening (better for the more experienced and the geared up). Success here is defined for the defender if the riposte lands and for the attacker if the riposte is parried in turn.

Questions: In the basic game and in all variations, these questions can help focus the minds of the players:

  • Which fencer has the advantage: attacker or defender?
  • How can this fencer's advantage be reduced or nullified?

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