Week 2-3: The Defensive Triangles
For each position on the triangle under consideration:
One partner performs the nominated cut only.
Cut as 1, then the other partner performs the nominated Parry.
Cut as 1, then the other partner performs the nominated Parry and adds a Riposte they feel is appropriate.
The advice in all three texts is that the riposte must maintain blade contact. In practice, this is hard to achieve.
Triangle A
Face cut to the left / Parry 4 + riposte as appropriate
Face cut to the right / Parry 3 + riposte as appropriate
Head cut / Parry 5 + riposte as appropriate
Triangle B
Stomach cut / Parry 1 + riposte as appropriate
Flank cut / Parry 2 + riposte as appropriate
Head cut / Parry 5 + riposte as appropriate
Appropriate rippstes may include forearm cuts, as well as themore usual face cuts, head cuts, thrusts, etc.
(Note: using parry numbers rather than the proper French parry names for ease of looking this stuff up on teh intarwebs.)
Leader/Follower Distance/Strike/Parry Exercises
Start this execise using one nominated strike. Increase the complexity by adding the other strikes in the triangle being practiced.
One partner is leader and moves forwards and backwards. The other partner follows to maintain distance.
When the leader stops, the follower makes the nominated strike.
The leader parries and ripostes.
Swap roles. Start again.
A variant of this exercise is almost identical except the role of the striker is reversed.
One partner is leader and moves forwards and backwards. The other partner follows to maintain distance.
When the leader chooses, the leader makes the nominated strike.
The follower parries and ripostes.
Swap roles. Start again.