LongEdge Fencing training materials for rapier and smallsword are constantly under development.
Each “author” page has a table listing the techniques in the text in a standard format. Soon, I'll be pulling all of these into a concordance and doing some analysis on which techniques are the most common, obviously, core, etc.
The sources which fall within the area of interest of LongEdge Fencing can be found on the List of Source Texts page, which includes summaries and some analysis/interpretation of them.
The main texts for the current project, handling the rapier alone, are listed here for convenience. These pages contain summaries of the basic actions and tactical advice in each text.
Other sources of particular interest include:
Andre Des Bordes provides a cute aside to the whole project as he largely plagiarised Palladini almost word for word. In addition, he's the only known fencing master to be executed for witchcraft. We play a dangerous game.
In addition, there is a lot of useful info in later texts. In particular, Jean de Brye's 1721 Art of Fencing Reduced to a Methodical Summary provides good information about how to think about coaching this material.
We're still in the analysing and synthesising stage of researching these texts. The process is three-fold:
Small essays on small topics:
Current topics causing continual puzzlement:
The high-level strategy seems to be do something/anything to make the opponent move their feet.