~~NOTOC~~ ====== LongEdge Fencing ====== Check out the [[lep_agrippa_summary|summary of Camillo Agrippa]]'s single sword! [[https://www.longedgefencing.com|LongEdge Fencing]] concentrates on two area of period French swordsmanship. Use these pages the jumping off point for our interpretation of each. Each page also contains materials used in training sessions. * [[earlymodern_start|Early Modern Rapier]], and * [[c19sabre_start|Nineteeth Century Sabre]]. If you're looking for the [[https://www.longedgepress.com|LongEdge Press]] website and publication catalog, it's over here: [[https://www.longedgepress.com|https://www.longedgepress.com]]. If you're looking for the [[https://www.longedgefencing.com|LongEdge Fencing]] club website, it's over here: [[https://www.longedgefencing.com|https://www.longedgefencing.com]]. ===== Authors and Sources ===== ==== Early Modern Rapier ==== * [[cavalcabo_start|Gerolamo (Heironyme) Cavalcabo]] * [[paternoster_start|Patenostrier of Rome]] * [[heredia_start|Pedro de Heredia]] (who copies large sections of both and extends on them) * [[lep_agrippa_summary|Camillo Agrippa]] * Camillo Palladini -- largely a repetition and commentary on Agrippa * [[lep_besnard_summary|Charles Besnard]] -- a text describing the use of something like a proto-smallsword. * [[dancie_start|François Dancie]] ==== Nineteenth Century Sabre ==== For //pointe// and //countre-pointe// on foot in the salle: * [[armymanual_start|Ministry of War]] "Fencing Manual" (1877) * [[brunet_start|Romuald Brunet]] (1884) * [[rondelle_start|Louis Rondelle]] (1892) * [[tinguely_start|Joesph Tinguely]] "Manual of Contre-Pointe" (1856) * Alexandre Valville (1817) For more military instruction on horseback: * Ivanowsky (1834) "//Nouveau système d'escrime pour la cavalerie//" * //Citoyen// Bertrand (1801) [[https://www.longedgepress.com/pdfs/escrime-militaire-bertrand-translation.pdf|"Fencing Applied to the Military Art"]] ===== Archived Stuff ===== [[LEF_OldFrontPage|This stuff]] used to be on the front page. It's no longer relevant.