====== Source Texts ====== These are the texts which we study. In my opinion they represent something like a coherent body of study which shows the core and breadth of rapier technique in France between approximately 1590-1640. ===== Rapier (Point-centric) Sources ===== ==== Frog DNA ==== * [[lep_agrippa_summary|Camillo Agrippa]] --- Summary and Interpretation The sources below contain some gaps and there is plenty of room for interpretation. In these cases, since they all (mostly?) credit Camillo Agrippa as a theoretical and methodological ancestor, it is fitting that his 1553 text is used as an outsider reference point where necessary and where possible. ==== Rapier Alone ==== * [[cavalcabo_start|Gerolamo (Heironyme) Cavalcabo]] * [[paternoster_start|Patenostrier of Rome]] * Pedro de Heredia * Andre des Bordes (Camillo Palladini?) ==== Rapier and Dagger ==== * Gerolamo (Heironyme) Cavalcabo * Paternostrier * Pedro de Heredia * "Capitaine" Péloquin * François Dancie * Andre des Bordes (Camillo Palladini?) ===== Sidesword (and Vulgar) Sources ===== I have a theory that both these sources are different expressions of the same underlying system of swordsmanship which ranged across the Mediterranean coast of the Occitan-speaking lands of southern France and eastern Spain. This **is** a hill I will die on. * Henry de Sainct Didier * Luis Domingo Godinho As a secondary focus and a counterpoint to the sources above: * [[meyer_start|Joachim Meyer]]