====== Week 2-3: The Defensive Triangles ====== For each position on the triangle under consideration: - One partner performs the nominated cut only. - Cut as 1, then the other partner performs the nominated Parry. - Cut as 1, then the other partner performs the nominated Parry and adds a Riposte they feel is appropriate. The advice in all three texts is that the riposte **must** maintain blade contact. In practice, this is hard to achieve. ===== Triangle A ===== * Face cut to the left / Parry 4 + riposte as appropriate * Face cut to the right / Parry 3 + riposte as appropriate * Head cut / Parry 5 + riposte as appropriate ===== Triangle B ===== * Stomach cut / Parry 1 + riposte as appropriate * Flank cut / Parry 2 + riposte as appropriate * Head cut / Parry 5 + riposte as appropriate Appropriate rippstes may include forearm cuts, as well as themore usual face cuts, head cuts, thrusts, etc. (Note: using parry numbers rather than the proper French parry names for ease of looking this stuff up on teh intarwebs.) ===== Leader/Follower Distance/Strike/Parry Exercises ===== Start this execise using one nominated strike. Increase the complexity by adding the other strikes in the triangle being practiced. - One partner is leader and moves forwards and backwards. The other partner follows to maintain distance. - When the leader stops, the follower makes the nominated strike. - The leader parries and ripostes. - Swap roles. Start again. A variant of this exercise is almost identical except the role of the striker is reversed. - One partner is leader and moves forwards and backwards. The other partner follows to maintain distance. - When the leader chooses, the leader makes the nominated strike. - The follower parries and ripostes. - Swap roles. Start again.