====== Sabre Flow Drill with Constraints ====== The aim of this drill is to simulate a sparring bout while limiting the choices that the fencers may make. This allows the fencers to develop an understanding of the triggers for action and develop muscle memory responses to specific cues. ===== Overview ===== A pair of fencers take turns in the role of attacker and defender but, unlike regular technique drills, do not stop to change roles. They continue fencing and swap automictically. For example, Fencer A makes an attack which Fencer B parries. Fencer B now makes an attack, as part of the parry-riposte dynamic, which Fencer A parries. The cycle continues. The constraint(s) imposed on each fencer limits the styles or forms of attack and defense which may be used. Last night (2024-04-29), these constraints developed organically. ===== Simple Constraints ===== - Compound attacks only. All attacks are either strike-and-strike or feint-then-strike. - Simple attacks only. All attacks are single simple strikes. ===== Advanced Constraints ===== These constrainst focus on the idea of breaking the flow or rhythm established in the Simple Constraints exercises above. So, using one of the exercises above as the basic foundation, one training partner is given a goal. The aim is to find an appropriate place to perform the goal action. This involves recognising when the action may be performed and breaking the establish rhythm pattern to perform it. Suitable Goals are: * Forearm Cut as a riposte * A cutting strike as an attack into preparation (stop cut, timed cut) * A thrust as an attack into preparation (stop strike, timed strike) * Requiring a step off the line when making an attack. ===== Questions ===== * What other constraints may be imposed? * Can different constraints be imposed between the attacker and the defender? For instance, the attack must use compund strikes but the defender can only use simple strikes.