====== Old Front Page ====== ===== Weapon Systems ===== ==== Rapier (sword alone) ==== Exploration and Interpretation * [[lep_rapalone_quarteoverthesword|Quarte over the Sword]] (2019-02-02) * [[lep_cavalcabos_caver|Cavalcabo's "Caver"]] (2019-03-09) * [[lep_rapalone_engagement|The Engagement and Gaining]] (2019-04-06) Explicit Instruction * [[lep_repalone_stance|Stance, Guards, Footwork]] * [[lep_basic_thrust_actions|Basic Thrust Actions]] (2019-02-22) The theory side of things. * [[lep_applied_thrust_actions|Applied Thrust Actions]] Covers the "beat and enter," "quarte over the arm," and the "pass below". These are core techniques. * [[lep_vertical_caver|Vertical Caver]] (2019-04-14) Core technique. * [[lep_envelopment_garatouce|Envelopment and Garatouçe]] * [[lep_feint_actions|Feints and Tempo]] How to make the opponent do what you want. Lessons and Exercises You know, coming up with lessons and a way to teach this stuff is actually pretty hard. * [[lep_basic_thrust_exercises|Basic Thrust Exercises]] (2019-02-22) The practical stuff. * [[lep_rapalone_applied_thrusts|Applied Thrust Exercises]] * [[lep_rapalone_subjection|Subjection Exercises]] (2019-04-14) * [[lep_rapalone_extended|Exercises on Caver, Envelopment and Garatouçe]] * [[lep_feint_exercises|Exercises on the Feint]] * [[lep_rapalone_ronds|Exercises on the Rond]] (2019-04-14) * [[lep_strategy_tactics|Situation, Strategy, Trigger, Response]] And here's the teaching plan for rapier as well as rapier and dagger. {{:lef_teaching_plan_rapieranddagger.jpg?direct&500|}} ==== Rapier (sword and dagger) ==== * Exploration and Interpretation * Lessons ==== Sidesword ==== * Exploration and Interpretation * Lessons