====== Between the Weapons ====== **Scope**: Sword and Dagger/Cape/Frypan/Off-hand ===== Interpretation Theory ===== **Situation**: The opponent is holding their weapons apart, probably using an idea of zonal defense in which the left hand protects against threats to the left side, and the right hand protects against threats to the right side. **Strategy**: Provoke a response then punish the opponent for acting. This relies on the idea in contemporary physics, that is you are doing one thing, you cannot be doing another at the same time. It hits directly on the the idea of tempo in period fencing. **Trigger**: The opponent attempts to parry or grab with either the sword or the off-hand weapon. **Response**: The fencer cavers around the weapon the opponent attempts to parry with and steps to that side while striking, eg: making a //volte// to the fencer's outside or a pass below to the fencer's inside line. ===== Exercises and Drills ===== **Note**: This drill assumes same-handed fencers. For mixed-handed fencers, the Feeder uses the off-hand. Regardless, the weapons which the Feeder parries with is on the Learner's inside line. Pressure testing escalation: - Run through the drills below in a very static fashion, standing at the correct measure and pausing at each stage. Each action is deliberate and should be completed before moving on to the next action in the sequence. The emphasis is on the Learner sequencing the actions. - Run through the drills below in a more dynamic manner. The key element to this is the Feeder slightly anticipating the Learner's action. For examples, the Feeder may start their parry action before the Learner has completed their half-thrust. The emphasis is on the Learner recognising the triggers. - Start the drill at wide measure and approach. As the Learner nears the Feeder, the Feeder presents the situation required for the drill. The Feeder, anticipating the Learner's action as above, starts the trigger action before the Learner has completed theirs. The emphasis is on the Learner making the touch and the the Feeder, within the confines of the drill, preventing this. ==== Drill A -- Parry with the Sword ==== - **Feeder**: Hold the sword and off-hand weapon separated. There is a clear path between the weapons to the Feeder's chest. - **Learner**: Half-thrust in between the weapons. If the opponent does not react, continue to make the touch. - **Feeder**: Parries with the sword. - **Learner**: Cavers around the weapons, stepping to the inside to strike. ==== Drill B -- Parry with the Off-Hand ==== - **Feeder**: Hold the sword and off-hand weapon separated. There is a clear path between the weapons to the Feeder's chest. - **Learner**: Half-thrust in between the weapons. If the opponent does not react, continue to make the touch. - **Feeder**: Parries with the off-hand. - **Learner**: Cavers around the weapons, stepping to the outside (//volte//?) to strike. ==== Drill C -- Parry with Either Hand ==== - **Feeder**: Hold the sword and off-hand weapon separated. There is a clear path between the weapons to the Feeder's chest. - **Learner**: Half-thrust in between the weapons. If the opponent does not react, continue to make the touch. - **Feeder**: Parries with either the sword or the off-hand, as they please. - **Learner**: * If the Feeder parries with the sword, the Learner cavers around the weapons, stepping to the outside to strike. * If the Feeder parries with the off-hand weapon, the Learner cavers around the weapons, stepping to the inside to strike. ==== Drill D -- Parry with Either Hand against a Reluctant Opponent ==== This drill is essentially the same as Drill C except that the opponent is more timid and needs to be convinced to act. This is done through provocation and presenting the blade for the opponent to control. - **Feeder**: Hold the sword and off-hand weapon separated. There is a clear path between the weapons to the Feeder's chest. - **Learner**: Half-thrust in between the weapons to present the Leaner's weapon for the Feeder to play with. - **Feeder**: Parries with either the sword or the off-hand, as they please. - **Learner**: * If the Feeder parries with the sword, the Learner cavers around the weapons, stepping to the outside to strike. * If the Feeder parries with the off-hand weapon, the Learner cavers around the weapons, stepping to the inside to strike.