====== Nineteenth Century Sabre Training Notes ====== Not much of anything here right now. More will come as soon as I get some time. * [[lef_sabre_constraint_drill|Constrained Bouting Drill]] * [[lef_sabre_forearm_drills|Forearm Cut Exercises]] from Rondelle * [[lef_sabre_vogue|Vogue: Strike a Pose]] ---- ===== Lesson Planning and Development ===== And here is the proposed lesson overview for Terms 2 and 4. The lesson plans so far are very bare-bones and covers basic actions only. * FIXME ==== Session Plans ==== * Week 1: [[lef_sabre_intro|Intro and fundamental movements]] * Week 2-3: [[lef_sabre_triangles|The Defensive Triangles]] * Week 5: [[lef_sabre_timed|Attacks in Time]] * Week 6: [[lef_sabre_compoundattacks|Compound Attacks]] * Week 7: [[lef_sabre_compoundripostes|Compound Ripostes]] ==== What's Missing? ==== * Need something on understanding what is meant by the line of direction. * Need more on understanding simple attacks, the purpose and benefit on deploying the arm before striking. * Need more on how to recover safely and under guard.