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lef_sabre_compoundripostes [2024/11/05 16:25] – created adminaccountlef_sabre_compoundripostes [2024/11/05 16:29] (current) – [Compound Ripostes] adminaccount
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 ====== Compound Ripostes ====== ====== Compound Ripostes ======
-This is a CLA-style exploratory session designed to explore and develop skills around compund attacks, as well as developing a sparring flow (as opposed to static drilling of isolated techniques).+This is a CLA-style exploratory session designed to investigate and develop skills around compund attacks, as well as developing a sparring flow (as opposed to static drilling of isolated techniques).
 It may take some time to a) get comfortable flowing from one action to another, and b) notice patterns in the defender to exploit. It may take some time to a) get comfortable flowing from one action to another, and b) notice patterns in the defender to exploit.
 **Objectives**: **Objectives**:
-  - Drawing the opponent out of their secure guard position+  - Drawing the opponent into a parry position after their attack has been parried
-  - Seeing and taking advantage of openings created in this way.+  - Seeing and taking advantage of openings created by them in doing this.
 **Observations**: **Observations**:
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 **Source Text Notes**: The source texts agree that the first one or two actions of a compound attack are feints. They define a feint as a simulated attack in which the arm is developed but no lunge is made. Im not entirely sure how this relates to a riposte, since the opponent is by definition already within measure. However, all texts agree that the compound riposte is the key to good sabre fencing. **Source Text Notes**: The source texts agree that the first one or two actions of a compound attack are feints. They define a feint as a simulated attack in which the arm is developed but no lunge is made. Im not entirely sure how this relates to a riposte, since the opponent is by definition already within measure. However, all texts agree that the compound riposte is the key to good sabre fencing.
-Game 1 - Compound Riposte against Head Strikes+===== Game 1 - Against Head Strikes =====
-Game 2 - Compound Riposte against High Strikes+FIXME
-Game Compound Riposte against Low Strikes+===== Game Against High Strikes =====
-Game 4 - As You Will....+FIXME 
 +===== Game 3 - Against Low Strikes ===== 
 +===== Game 4 - As You Will.... ===== 

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